Private funds link pension holders to Russian oil and gas supply chains 

If you’re an American or Danish pension holder, there is a chance some of your money has helped Russia get its oil and gas to market since the invasion of Ukraine.


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Private funds link pension holders to Russian oil and gas supply chains 

If you’re an American or Danish pension holder, there is a chance some of your money has helped Russia get its oil and gas to market since the invasion of Ukraine.


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Money laundering risks in private investment funds

Trillions of dollars are invested worldwide in private investment funds (PIFs), which include hedge funds, private equity, venture capital and other pooled vehicles. Yet in most countries, and in the US in particular, these funds are subject to even weaker anti-money laundering checks than other types of legal entities, including shell companies.

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Real estate markets open to criminals and the corrupt

Real estate offers kleptocrats and other criminals an easy, opaque asset class to launder their ill-gotten gains. Moreover, when real estate is used as a safe haven for the proceeds from criminal activity, access to housing is reduced and ordinary residents struggle to afford properties for their family or business.

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Opacity in trade finances kleptocracy

Before corrupt officials launder their ill-gotten gains through sectors like real estate and private investment funds, the international trade in commodities creates opportunities for illicit enrichment through bribery and embezzlement.  Much of this trade involves ...

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Private Investment Funds Real Estate Supply Chains & Kleptocracy

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